Документацію для цього модуля можна створити у Модуль:FetchData/документація

local p = {}

function p.season_result(frame)
    local season = frame.args.season
    local player = frame.args.player

    -- List of season titles corresponding to their URLs
    local season_titles = {
        "Перший_сезон", "Другий_сезон", "Третій_сезон",
        "Четвертий_сезон", "П'ятий_сезон"
    local season_title = season_titles[tonumber(season)]
    if not season_title then
        return "Invalid season number"

    -- Fetch the page content using the correct title
    local title = mw.title.makeTitle(0, season_title)
    local content = title:getContent()
    if not content then
        return "Season page not found"

    -- Pattern to extract the ranking section and rank data
    local rating_section = mw.ustring.match(content, "== Рейтинг ==.-{| class=\"wikitable sortable\"(.-)|}")
    if not rating_section then
        return "Rating section not found"

    local pattern = "|%s*%[%[" .. mw.ustring.gsub(player, "([%(%)%.%-%+])", "%%%1") .. "|[^%]]+%]%]%s*|%s*(%d+)%s*|"
    local direct_pattern = "|%s*" .. mw.ustring.gsub(player, "([%(%)%.%-%+])", "%%%1") .. "%s*|%s*(%d+)%s*|"
    local rank = mw.ustring.match(rating_section, pattern) or mw.ustring.match(rating_section, direct_pattern)
    if not rank then
        return "Player not found in season rankings"

    return rank

return p