Документацію для цього модуля можна створити у Модуль:FetchData/документація
local p = {} function p.season_result(frame) local season = frame.args.season local player = frame.args.player -- Updated list of seasons with new entries local season_titles = { "Перший_сезон", "Другий_сезон", "Третій_сезон", "Четвертий_сезон", "П'ятий_сезон", "Шостий_сезон", "Сьомий_сезон", "Восьмий_сезон", "Дев'ятий_сезон" } mw.log("Season index: ", season) mw.log("Player name: ", player) local season_title = season_titles[tonumber(season)] mw.log("Season page title: ", season_title) if not season_title then return "??" end local title = mw.title.makeTitle(0, season_title) local content = title:getContent() if not content then mw.log("Error: Content not found for the season page.") return "??" end mw.log("Page content loaded, length: ", string.len(content)) local rating_section = mw.ustring.match(content, "== Рейтинг ==.-{| class=\"wikitable sortable\"(.-)|}") if not rating_section then mw.log("Error: Rating section not found within the page content.") return "Rating section not found" end mw.log("Rating section extracted, length: ", string.len(rating_section)) -- Adjusted to fetch the player's position (column 1 "№") instead of points local pattern = "|%s*(%d+)%s*|%s*%[%[" .. mw.ustring.gsub(player, "([%(%)%.%-%+])", "%%%1") .. "%]%]" local direct_pattern = "|%s*(%d+)%s*|%s*" .. mw.ustring.gsub(player, "([%(%)%.%-%+])", "%%%1") .. "%s*" local rank = mw.ustring.match(rating_section, pattern) or mw.ustring.match(rating_section, direct_pattern) if not rank then mw.log("Error: Player not found in season rankings or regex failed.") return "--" end mw.log("Player rank found: ", rank) return rank end return p